[3830] M7A (op G4ZFE) WPX CW SO AB LP

Richard Everitt richard at babbage.demon.co.uk
Sat May 31 22:29:33 EDT 1997

Callsign:  M7A (op G4ZFE)                Total Claimed Score    835684

Band         160m     80m     40m     20m     15m     10m    Total

Valid QSOs      2     250     305     373      56       7      993

QSO Points      4     528     874     590      79       9     2084

Bonus/Mult.     0      76     132     175      17       1      401

TX/RX      Icom 706                                         

Power o/p  100 w      

Antennas   HF6v vertical at 10cm

Operator  Richard Everitt, G4ZFE       

M7A is the contest callsign of De Montfort University Amateur Radio
Society. A planned serious effort for WPX CW had to be cancelled due to
club members hoilday weekend committments. So I choose to operate from
my parents' QTH as I usually do for WPX running 100W to a ground mounted
HF6v vertical. 

I usually S&P 95% of the time in contests due to station limitations.
This year with an uncommon M7A callsign I thought that I'd be able to
try running a few stations. Not so, 100W and a vertical meant that my CQ
frequency was quickly taken over by other stations without a QRL? to be
heard! So it was back to S&P.

Next contest from M7A will be IARU Champs in July. This will be a legal
limit and beams entry!! Hope to work you then.

QSL M7A via the RSGB bureau, via G4ZFE or via WWW on-line form

73 de Rich, G4ZFE
Richard Everitt G4ZFE              e-mail: richard at babbage.demon.co.uk
Have you worked  M6A or M7A. Search the on-line logs and request a QSL

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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