[3830] VE3EJ (N5TJ op.) WW SSB SOAB

Jeff Steinman n5tj at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 29 15:00:28 EST 1997

First let me thank John, VE3EJ for the use of his station last weekend. 
Man oh man, it sure does play!! Thanks John!!

Overall I found conditions better than expected. 15 and 20 were kind of 
strange Saturday morning - much better on Sunday. Had a lot of fun below 
the US band - 40 in particular, but 15 and 20 too.

Made about 500 QSOs on the second radio, of which 45-50 were new 
multipliers (Z + C). Yea, go ahead, put me in a new class!! 

Jeff  N5TJ

Call: VE3EJ                    Country:  Canada
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator

      160      212      427     2.01     12      21
       80      656     1371     2.09     21      76
       40      848     2133     2.52     27     109
       20     1272     3497     2.75     35     140
       15     1679     4571     2.72     34     135
       10      238      594     2.50     20      66
     Totals   4905    12593     2.57    149     547  =>  8,764,728

                              Continent Statistics
   VE3EJ   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Single Operator     25 Oct 1997  

                160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   SSB  204  554  400  242  445  113 1958    39.2
South America   SSB    4   14   16   53   51   60  198     4.0
Europe          SSB    4   85  400  736 1117   49 2391    47.9
Asia            SSB    0    1    6  205   41    0  253     5.1
Africa          SSB    1    6   19   42   37   16  121     2.4
Oceania         SSB    0    7   20   12   22    7   68     1.4

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