Bob Norin norin at jf.intel.com
Wed Apr 1 12:58:04 EST 1998

         1998 CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET -- W7YAQ         Oregon

    Contest Dates : 28-Mar-98, 29-Mar-98

    Callsign Used : W7YAQ
         Operator : W7YAQ
          Section : Oregon
         Category : Single Operator, All Band, Low Power, Unassisted

 Default Exchange : 59 #

             Name : Bob Norin
          Address : 11900 SW Gaarde
   City/State/Zip : Tigard OR  97224
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : Willamette Valley DX Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs  Points/QSO  Points   Prefixes   

  160SSB       3           3        2.67        8        2 
   80SSB      51          51        1.29       66       42 
   40SSB      20          20        4.40       88       14 
   20SSB     265         265        2.61      692      224 
   15SSB     164         164        2.08      341      111 
   10SSB      42          42        2.98      125       19 

 Totals      545         545        2.42     1320      412 

    Final Score = 543840 points.

 Hours Operated : 21:40 (28/0315-0425, 0455-0510, 0600-0800, 1415-2200,
                         29/0720-0745, 1410-2400)

 Equipment:  TS-830S, 100 watts
 Antennas:   10-15-20M ATB-34 Tribander, @ 23m
             40M 2-el yagi, @ 20m
             80-160M quarter slopers, @ 20m

 Soapbox:  Lots of interesting DX out there.  Got a late start Friday 
           night, but when finally got up to the shack and turned on the
           rig, it was tuned exactly on A61AJ who was booming through at
           59+10.  Promptly worked him on my first call for an all-time
           new one!

           Curious 15 meter opening Sunday from 1830-1930, when 19 of the
           20 stations I worked were in countries bordering the 
           Mediterranean Sea (the only exception was 5X1T).
           96 percent of QSOs were S&P.  Only 1 zero point, zero mult QSO.
           Mult/QSO ratio = 0.756.  I like to use this metric to measure
           performance -- it's the only one where I can beat the big boys!

 This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter within
 the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
 regulations of the contest.

 Date _3/31/98__   Signed __s/ Robert S. Norin_________  Call __W7YAQ_____

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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