[3830] VO1MP WAE CW

Gus VO1MP gussam at newcomm.net
Wed Aug 12 02:52:02 EDT 1998


      Call: VO1MP                    Country:  Canada
      Mode: CW                       Category: SO-LP -Unassisted

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

      160          0         0          0        0
       80           0         0          0        0
       40           6         6          5       15
       20          23       23        14       28
       15        208      207        31       62
       10            0         0          0        0

    Totals      237     236         50      105 =   49,665

Operating time Intermittently about 3.5 hours.  Bands seemd to be in 
fairly good shape from here. Mostly CQ'ed until I didn't get a reply for a 
minute or two then QRT'ed. The surprizing thing about giving QTCs is that
there was only a very few repeats asked for !!  Would you believe only 3 out of 
236 given !! and for the most part my keying speed was in excess of 35wpm.
Perhaps a testimonial to the fb copying skills of the active Eu stns.  

One of these years I might put a serious effort into this FB contest, however
our summers are short and with the temp hovering around 30 C all week end
the shack was not as inviting as the  outdoors.

73 Hope to be QRV  From Zone 2 as VO2CQ  in CQWW SSB.



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