Blake M Meinecke n4gi at juno.com
Sun Aug 16 04:27:31 EDT 1998

                         NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY 1998
                    Sponsored by the National Contest Journal
     date (UTC): 08/15/1998       call: N4GI @ K4VUD              QTH: FL
     Exchange:  Blake  FL          (lake with a "Bravo")
     [ ] CW           [X] SSB               Name: Blake Meinecke         

     [X] single-op                       Address: 201 Murcott Dr         

     [ ] multi-op                 City/State/Zip: Oviedo, FL 32765
     band        QSOs       mults
     160SSB         5          5
      75SSB        61         26
      40SSB        43         21
      20SSB       181         47
      15SSB       113         35
      10SSB       107         20
     total:       510        154     claimed score:     78,540
     I, by virtue of my statement below, have taken part in the NCJ North
     American QSO Party,  conscientiously applying my most ethical inter-
     pretation of the rules for this contest as set forth in the National
     Contest Journal.

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