[3830] 5B4/EU1AA 80 meters High Power CQ WW CW 98

andy stchislenok asnd at worldnet.att.net
Tue Dec 1 11:08:02 EST 1998

On behalf on my friend and coach - Uncle Ben - 5B4/EU1AA :
QSO's   qso's pts  Zones  Countries
1754       4870         33        111
Total: 701,280 points
Good enough to set new Asian Record - Easy!! (ZC4DX beaten)
Rig: IC-775DSP, Alpha-91b.. Ant: TX - Vertical 5/8, RX - 2 Beverages..
Cyprus - Contest Paradise - Everyone is welcome!
73 de Andy NP3D np3d at juno.com

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