Melvin J Crichton CRICHTON_MELVIN_J at Lilly.com
Tue Dec 1 08:14:42 EST 1998

             1998 CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET - KJ9C CW

    Contest Dates : 28-Nov-98, 29-Nov-98

    Callsign Used : KJ9C
         Operator : KJ9C
         Category : SO LP UNASSISTED

 Default Exchange : 599 4


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW       17          17         33         9         9
   80CW       53          53        145        31        12
   40CW      131         131        367        55        18
   20CW      165         165        465        69        22
   15CW      169         169        471        79        27
   10CW      155         155        427        70        23

 Totals      690         690       1908       313       111

    Final Score = 808,992 points.

    Time on about  32 hours.
    RIG FT1000MP at 100 watts. Dipoles on 80-10, vertical 40-10, 160
        inverted L, slinky and ewe receive antennas 160-40.

 Soapbox Comments
 Set a goal to beat my last year's scores and totals. With a modest station I
not hold a run frequency... but maybe that was good, as S&P and the TR bandmap

a wealth of multipliers, especially on ten! Had a few computer problems early
in the
contest (Murphy was there, as usual), but a few hours sleep helped me to think
enough to fix them Saturday morning. A lot of interuptions, and a family
turkey dinner,
did not help the overall total.... but it was fun anyway!
 I am bushed! Great conditions kept me going long after I beat my score from
 1997. Next year could be even better conditions.
 Thanks to all who pulled my puny 100 watts out of the ether.

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