[3830] N3EN CQWW CW SCORE SOLP-Assisted

Art McDonald akm at erols.com
Tue Dec 1 21:57:36 EST 1998

                         1998 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  CW
     Call used: N3EN                                             Location: MD
     Single Op All Band/Packet Low Power  - Poor Antennas      Time: 36 Hours
     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys

     160       16       37        9       11	Inverted L @45'
      80       69      189       12       41	HF2-V, Dipole at 40'
      40      178      509       25       72	HF-2V, Diploe at 40'
      20      238      686       25       85    HF-6V Dipole at 35'
      15      257      731       27       86    HF-6V, Dipole at 35'
      10      257      728       26       89    HF-6v, Dipole at 35'

     TOTAL   1015     2880      124      384         SCORE: 1,463,040
 Equipment:  IC 751A
    Comments:   	Great Contest - Started out casually but got excited by good 					conditions and went for my first 1,000 QSO contest after 40 					years of contesting.

All search and pounce - Never called CQ - probably would have helped score but it's too boring with my station..

			Best Hour - 61 on 10 meters at 14Z on Saturday
			Used packet for fun but it helped with multipliers
			Wrked 5 stations on 6 bands, 13 on 5 bands, 34 on 4 bands
Worked total of 126 different countries, 36 zones, 
2 new band countries - JX on 40 and VK9L on 10
160     80     40     20     15     10    total
N America:       11     16     23     26     36     39      151 (14%)
               (7%)  (10%)  (15%)  (17%)  (23%)  (25%)
S America:        3      2      7     15     28     33       88 (8%)
               (3%)   (2%)   (7%)  (17%)  (31%)  (37%)
   Europe:        0     43    131    160    149    147      630 (62%)
                      (6%)  (20%)  (25%)  (23%)  (23%)
   Africa:        0      4      6     11      9     12       42 (4%)
                      (9%)  (14%)  (26%)  (21%)  (28%)
     Asia:        0      2      6     22     30     12       72 (7%)
                      (2%)   (8%)  (30%)  (41%)  (16%)
  Oceania:        2      1      5      3      5     14       30 (2%)
               (6%)   (3%)  (16%)  (10%)  (16%)  (46%)

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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