[3830] DL2HBX CQWW CW SOAB Low Power (unassisted)

Ulrich Ann ann at az-bs.de
Wed Dec 2 09:41:52 EST 1998

I had a great time at the station of DF5LO. The old DL
Low Power Record (1.4M) now is history, but I wonder if
any CW record survived the super condx of 1998.
Congrats to Andy, DJ7IK/DK0MM for his performance! 
Now let's wait for the log checkers to decide who is
going to own the new DL record...

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: DL2HBX                   Country:  Fed. Rep. of Germany
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator Low Power


      160      110      125     1.14      7      38
       80      318      501     1.58     14      58
       40      278      592     2.13     18      65
       20      338      790     2.34     25      82
       15      442     1099     2.49     29      90
       10      348      884     2.54     30      88
     Totals   1834     3991     2.18    123     421  =>  2,171,104

Operating time: 46 hrs


  3ele FB33 (10-20) @ 18m
  dipole 2x23m (40/80) @ 15m (horizontal)
  Butternut HF2V (40/80) @ 6m
  fullsize dipole (160) @ 15m (inverted-V)

TRX: IC-735, TS-140, Output < 100 Watts

73! Uli, DL2HBX  (ann at az-bs.de)

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