[3830] VP2VF *KL2A*

Jon Kimball kl2a at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 5 15:36:05 EST 1998

by Jon Kimball KL2A

A contest recap: short version

As you all know, we get on the bands days before the
some arriving to do extensive repairs and setup, as we
have seen from the PJ9B's, 5V7A's, and the 6Y2A's of the

world, and all the in- betweens like the world class
op staions of the P4's, 8P9Z, HC8N, and etc.

The bands come alive with chatter about the contest to
come and what we have to do, or not do, band strategies,

how some "wing it", and some eat baby food.  In any case

the boys are back in town and it's that time of year
Same time, same/different QTH, but same story, every
year...similar situations to come...band jumpin mults
each other, always sure to show our savvy by being there

first..(ex. HC8N Trey and I zooming from 10-160 in 1
Quickest set of doubles I ever get)  This is every year!

VP2VF detour:

In transit:

I planned on getting some sleep before the contest, as
can imagine this became, like every year, not a reality.

(kp2)Sleep til the last min. up the tower at 8:30a, take
the 80m vert.  roll it up... back pack it.  Cut 2 pieces
132' wire, roll it, pack it. I'm off to the Port Customs
St. Thomas.  As I wait for my trawler for West End,
Tortola (VP2V) I see a 30min shut eye window.  I take
Lying on the mesh bench, dock side, I fall into the
tunnel of
echos...where I can't seem to keep my mind off of
even though I told myself "wing it". *Advice from ole
The fog horn shakes the dock and people scurry to the
plank...I find myself in the front of the line looking
at the
locals behind me, wondering "how did I get here?"...let
a little
lady aboard first and I'm finding a comfortable seat to
I did and do.  Laying vert., with the gentle ocean
drifting to me from the window, I balance the gatorade
on my
chest and loop the backpack with my elbow, I'm secure.
and hour and a half of tunnel surfing another fog horn
and I'm in VP2V. Customs takes some time but I'm used to
and there is 'no worries'.  Its only 3pm, I have til 8pm
to build
the station, surely I can be ready by sundown for a
VP2VF is waiting outside amongst the taxi driver
party, and he escorts me to the chariot.

The drive to the top :

The drive to the station is basically straight up for
about 45
mins.  If you're familiar with the Caribbean roads, we
on the left, and the grade percentage is rather high, of
the roads are slippery when wet... but anyway up and
and up...we're "on top of the world" I keep saying to
 He's obviously in a hurry to get me to the station so I
begin, so his eyes forward.  As he's doing all the
I'll just chill and watch the views as soon they will
to a knob...etc.  We arrive at his beautiful home, meet
xyl Louisa and some rather interesting dogs.

Station prelims:

He shows me the tower, we discuss my plans with
antennaes and he hits the switch, down comes the tower.
While the tower is approaching, I lay out the 160, and
80.. by the time it reaches the deck I'm ready to attach
antennae. Connect em', test em', got to add a couple of
to the 160, but looks good.  Help string up the 40 on
other tower.  *stringing out the radials for 80/160 did
some time, as was on steep terrain guess I need a new
of Nikes! -can I get paid for that plug? ;O

Transition to the shack prep :

Darkness comes and I'm finished for outside, however I
didn't make the beverages for the low bands, I'm gonna
"wing it" and hope for the best.  I need food.  Maybe a
nap, gonna be a long 48 hours ahead, and if I'm to
from 2 point land I need every quality minute.  Inside
familiarize myself with the surroundings and CT.  I end
fiddling with this until the last min. and decide to go
on without.

**The rest is another story**

During CQWW CW 1998 :

However, during the contest I witnessed the best condx
ever heard, and the station played very well. *as for
the time
I was QRV. Was nice to go back to the old ways of hand
key-log and enjoyed the memories of  growing up at KL7Y,

actually day dreamed while making Qso's on auto pilot,
the great openings and Dx I would work from Alaska,  the

arctic flutter, and 'The Gold Paddle,*N2MIC? wishing I
using it. (the smoothest paddle I've ever witnessed).
By the
way, where are they, I need a double on 160.. It felt
nice to
have a personality again, as I was able to accent my cw
than a computer cloning me like every one else on the
minus a few.


1.  All the great competitive spirit
2.  All the Qsos on 160/80
3.  The high rate on 40
4.  Hearing W7RM long path in the middle of their night
on 10m
5.  Logging 232/hour on 10m from 1600-1700z

Thanks for all the Q's and see ya next year.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * *

             CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: VP2VF (KL2A)    Country:  British Virgin Is.

      Mode: CW                  Category:  Single
Operator AB
      Zone: 08

      BAND   QSO   Q PTS   PTS/Q    ZONES     DXCC

      160        138          284      2.06
12            24
       80         456        1067      2.34
16            61
       40         818        2037      2.49
27            80
       20         699        1767      2.53
33            90
       15       1047        2660      2.54
33            97
       10       1278        3234      2.53
30            95


     Totals     4436    11049      2.49
151          447

     BOTTOM LINE = 6,607,302

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * *
     Station:  Tortola, British Virgins Elevation: 1500'
w/ 360 deg.

                   FT 1000mp and TS 950  -Commander Amp

                  160:  Inv L up elevated and topped @
70'(Tower 1)
                    80:  66' vert with 4 elevated
radials (Tower 1)
                    40:  Trap Inv V up 40' (Tower 2)
                    20:  TH11 winched up to 75'
                    15:  "
                    10:  "

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