[3830] N6RO ARRL 160 SO HP

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Sun Dec 6 08:47:34 EST 1998

N6RO  ARRL 160  SO HP   EBAY    26 hours


</bigger>BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   


  160CW      815         805       1853      75         9 



</bigger> Totals      815         805       1853      75         9 

    Final Score = 155652 points.

Radios: FT1000mp, ALPHA 76 (1300W)

TX ant: wire 4 Square, bent 1/4 wave vert

RX ant: 3 beverages, 40m yagi, 80m quad

Highlites:  72 JAs; ZS5K and XZ1N responding to CQs.  25% ahead of last
year on Friday night.  Rainstorm during primetime Sat. night (02-04Z)
wiped out chance at my goal of 900 Qs.  Band condx down from last year,
but more antennas gave me a bigger score.  Overall, good time.  CU in
Stew Perry, N6RO

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