[3830] TARA 98 - VE5CPU - SOHPAB

VE5CPU ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca
Sat Dec 5 20:12:21 EST 1998

TARA Sprint       

Call used: VE5CPU
Location:  SK - Canada

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX
80         6     6     5     0
40        32    32    17     2
20        44    44    25     3
15        33    33    18     3
10        23    23    14     1
Total    138   138    36*    7*
* - Counted only once (not once per band)
Claimed Score: 5934

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v4.2 - thanks Ray! 

Power Output: 300

Missed the first 3 hours, but had fun for the rest of the time.  Thanks for a greate little 

de Bart, VE5CPU
.B.R. (Bart) Ritchie        Internet: ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca.
.Regina, SK Canada                                          .
.Amateur Radio Call:VE5CPU  Ampr-Org: ve5cpu at ve5us.ampr.org .
Date: 1998-12-05 - Time: 8:12:21 PM

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