[3830] ARRL 160: K8ND SOHP (No Packet)
Jeffrey Maass
jmaass at freenet.columbus.oh.us
Sun Dec 6 15:17:04 EST 1998
Call used: K8ND Location: OH
Category: Single Op, High Power, No Packet
Callsign of Operator: K8ND
Hours of Operation: 17:17
band QSOs points
160 920 1843
TOTAL 920 1843 X 75 multipliers = 138,225
Club or Team Name: None (Expired Mad River)
Equipment: FT-1000MP, Alpha 91b
TX Antenna: Inv-L (40-feet vertical, ~100 radials)
RX Antenna: K9AY Array (Saturday only)
I wasn't planning to participate, and had the Beverages
and other receiving antennas were all rolled up in the
basement. I had no receive antennas installed for the first
night, and got the K9AY Array up late Saturday. I barely
got the radials deployed for the transmit antenna. Started
operating around 0400Z and ran to daybreak the first night,
and didn't start again until after 0200Z the second. I took
a "break" (dozed off) from 0700Z to 1100Z.
Hardly a dedicated, 'prime time' operation! I decided to
just CQ and take what came: missed NL, AB, NWT, AK, PR, and
only one DX heard or worked (J6A).
Jeff Maass jmaass at freenet.columbus.oh.us http://www.netexp.net/~jmaass
USPSA/IPSC # L-1192 NROI/CRO Amateur Radio K8ND NW of Columbus Ohio
"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."
- Bertrand Russell
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