[3830] THE TEAM Claimed world record - P40E, EA8EA, CN8WW, C4A, WP3R

CT1BOH - Jose Carlos Cardoso Nunes ct1boh at mail.telepac.pt
Mon Dec 7 07:40:28 EST 1998

THE TEAM - P40E, EA8EA, CN8WW, C4A and WP3R thanks to all the contester's
and DXer's who took part in the 1998 CQWW CW Contest.

Our objective was achieved and the old Team record (Team N6TJ - 49,912,140
points) is now history.

Here is THE TEAM preliminary claimed results:

P40E (CT1BOH)   6922/178/553   15,019,126 claimed NEW WORLD RECORD & SA
EA8EA (OH2MM)   6617/175/544   14,176,523 claimed NEW AFRICAN RECORD
CN8WW (DL6FBL)   6550/142/489   12,319,644
C4A (9A3A)   5593/161/509   10,618,830 claimed NEW ASIAN RECORD
WP3R (DL2CC)   4490/141/412   6,304,300

THE TEAM claimed score 58,438,323 points.

When the deadline to submit logs to CQWW is over we will share our logs and
the winners to THE TEAM competition will be announced. Stay tuned.


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