[3830] K1PX ARRL 160 SOLP results

K1PX at aol.com K1PX at aol.com
Mon Dec 7 05:58:51 EST 1998

	ARRL 160 Meter Contest score:

	Category:	Single OP, Low Power

	QSOs		Sections	DX		Total Points		Hours

	858			71			12		145,665			33

	Station:		TS-930S

	Antennas:	Inv. vee's at 70' and 100', two NOL toploaded verticals
				@ 80 ft., beverages: 880' E-W, 580' NE and 580' NW-SE.

	Notes: 		Condxs to Europe were fair - better both nights just after
				our sunset. Condxs above normal to west coast on Friday
				night but poor on Saturday. Thanks to all for the QSOs.

				73, Jim, K1PX

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