Mike Fulcher kc7v at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 7 13:49:46 EST 1998

This year provided us with a major challenge.  One week prior to departure
our booked hotel informed us they would not be open in time for our trip.
We left Accra, Ghana one day early and drove to Lome to check out other
hotels and find a place to operate.  We were successful in negotiating with
the Hotel de la Paix, so we had a place to set-up.  The hotel roof was 80
feet up, but it had significantly less space than where we had planned our
operation.  We ended up with less antennas in the air than planned and the
spacing was not optimum. 

However, the hotel staff was very accomodating, including our usual request
for 60 amps of service.  We got everything going by Thursday this year, so
things were a little more relaxed going into the contest.

Here is the result of our efforts in 1998.

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: 5V7A                     Country:  Togo
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi


      160      216      619     2.87     15      49
       80      707     2082     2.94     25      80
       40     2344     6985     2.98     35     120
       20     3604    10759     2.99     38     147
       15     4574    13647     2.98     39     152
       10     3263     9728     2.98     35     139

     Totals  14708    43820     2.98    187     687  =>  38,298,680

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: G3SXW, G3ZEM, G3VMW, G4BWP, G4FAM, G4ZVJ, GM3YTS, K5VT,

Equipment Description:Kenwood TS 930's, Alpha 76/78's, Force 12 3 el 20, 3
el 15, 
4 el 10, C3, A4, 402-cd, F12 80m rotary dipole, 160 1/4 wave balloon vertical,
inverted vee 160m, 40m dipole, 15m vertical, 80m sloper.

Club Affiliation: Central Arizona DX Association 
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________



This should hold up for a new African record.  Our hearty congratulations
to 6Y2A on an outstanding effort and accomplishment from a 2 pt location.


20m died a mid-day both days of the test for nearly 3 plus hours each day.
Very  strange from the equator.  We have had slowdowns at mid-day in the
past, but never complete like this year.  Our qso total was over a 1000
down from 1997.

15m was outstanding.  I am not sure of the qso record for this band, but we
are very satisfied with the 4574 qsos in the log.  The band was open 24 hours.

10m - Continued improvement.  The best part this year was the 4 hour long
path opening to JA from about  1 am to 5 am.  We had difficulty though
working the close in other West African multipliers.  Our qso total doubled
from 1997.

40m  The low bands seem to suffer more from this low latitude as the sun
spots increase.  Qso totals were down, yet our multiplier totals did improve.

80m/160m  We really suffer from the equator on these bands.  The noise
levels are continually high.  It takes nearly 2 hours after sunset for
these bands to start opening up where we can get some runs going.  We work
hard in looking for mults because running high rates is difficult.  We've
tried many different antenna combinations, yet the results always seem to
be about the same.  We'll continue to try and improve our LF performance in
the future.

1999- We've already decided to put 5V7A on the air again for the 1999 CQWW
Contest.  Our normal operating site should be re-open by then.  We are
working on plans to improve our mult hunting, especially on the LF bands.

Thanks for the qsos!  We really enjoy ourselves on these trips, even with
the hard work in the high heat and humidity.  See you next time.


Mike, KC7V  for the rest of the Voodoo Contest Group.
                         Mike Fulcher  KC7V
                       One of the  "VOO-DUDES" 
                        VooDoo Contest Group 
                 CN5N, ZC4Z, ZF2WW, 9G5AA, TY5A, 5V7A
                 ("VooDoo" - White magic from Africa )       

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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