[3830] ARRL 160M - N7WA SO LP

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at eskimo.com
Wed Dec 9 07:17:10 EST 1998

Had finals coming up plus a database design project to
finish up for school so just got on to give y'all some
Q's and to check out the inverted L for the upcoming 
Stew Perry (a real 160M contest with something 
besides "finini" as an exchange !) Looks like it 
will play good again - maybe just a few more radials.

Rock on and see ya Dec 26th! Hmmmm.... what was my grid
square?  :>)


                            ARRL 160 SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : N7WA
         Operator : N7WA
         Category : SO LP
             Name : Michael Dinkelman
   City/State/Zip : Kent, WA 98042
        Team/Club : Western Washington DX Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   
  160CW       71          71        142      33 

    Final Score = 4686 points.

Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
Kent, WA
mwdink at eskimo.com

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