[3830] K7ZO ARRL 10M SSB Only Low Power
k7zo at micron.net
Sun Dec 13 18:02:00 EST 1998
Call used: K7Z0 Location: ID
Category: Single Op All Band Mode: SSB Only Power: 150W
Callsign of Operator: K7ZO
Exchanged Information: K7Z0 59 ID
Hours of Operation: 13:30
band QSOs points mults
CW 0 0 0
PH 878 1756 83 Cushcraft Ten-3 @ 20'
TOTAL 878 1756 83 SCORE: 145,748
Club or Team Name: Southwest Idaho Contest Club
Comments: Wow, was that fun! It is amazing what you can do with 100 watts
a Cushcraft Ten-3 on a 20' push up mast tied off on your son's trampoline.
Conditions were great. I am sure the top scores are going to be huge.
Some highlights from here:
* The rate meter peaked at 308 at one point Sunday afternoon. Several times
* Managed to work one European Sunday morning - CT/F6EPY. The path was just
barely open here in the northwest. Heard TM1C and and F5 something. That was
* Huge numbers of NS and NF's on the air relative to Sweepstakes. Also, glad
have VE8EV call in Saturday. Missed Jay, was VY1A on?
* Many, many 59++ reports. Isn't 10M great when it is open? Plus, in
I always remember to THINK LOUD. The propagation gods can tell the
difference you know.
* The band seemed shorter than I remember it in other contests. I worked a
number of MO, IA, KS, and OK. Usually, the peak states from here are WI, IL,
Though this is the first time I have used this antenna and it could have a
shorter pattern from being relatively low.
* Managed to work some of the close in states Friday night through some sort
of path,
backscatter and/or short skip. Never did hear SD, ND, or WY. Heard UT and
OR but
could never get them to hear me.
* Many good mults called me: TG, 9V, DU, P2, and FK.
* Really glad to hear a number of young operators on the air. Always made
sure to go
slow for them and give them a special thanks for the QSO.
* The non-contest window idea was a good start - though apparently many
people did not
read the rules. I was surprised by the number of top operators who were in
the window.
I know there were some problems with the LU Novice window falling in the
window, but I bet some solution can be found. I am sure the
point-counterpoint on the
reflector will be wild.
* Also surprised by several top operators who seemed to feel they deserved a
clear segment +/- 3kc from them. I got chased off several times when
changed and they could hear me in a sideband. Maybe I am just more immune
to it from
contesting here on the west coast at NK7U. When you try to run Europe on
20M in CQWW
you learn to keep a rate up in the QRM.
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