[3830] W4PA ARRL 10M SO/Mixed mode/HP

Scott Robbins srobbins at usit.net
Sun Dec 13 20:03:08 EST 1998

ARRL 10m contest
W4PA Single op, mixed mode, high power

      QSO  Dom   DX
CW   1172   58   65
SSB   532   59   60
     ----  ---  ---
     1704  117  125 = 1,382,304 claimed score

...and 6 hours sleep each night too!

I worked RW1FA long path over the South Pole during the last hour
of the contest.  I asked "QTH?" and he said Murmansk, so there ya go!

Scott Robbins, W4PA 

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The most under-rated rock band in the United States is LITTLE FEAT.  
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