[3830] KK7GW ARRL 160 SOLP

David Jones kk7gw at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 13 17:27:12 EST 1998

                             ARRL 160 SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 05-Dec-98, 06-Dec-98

    Callsign Used : KK7GW
        Operators : KK7GW + PACKET

         Category : Multi/Single

 Default Exchange : 5NN WWA

        Team/Club : Western Washington DX Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160CW       20          20         40       5 

 Totals       20          20         40       5 

    Final Score = 200 points.

    Power out: 100 watts
    Equipment: Kenwood TS-530
    Antenna: 40m dipole around 10-15 feet

Comments:  Just played around working locals, left the auto-cq'er on
for a couple hours.  Doubled last year's score of 10 X 5 for 100 pts.


David Jones, KK7GW
kk7gw at yahoo.com

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