[3830] N1CC ARRL 10 Meter SO LP

N1CC at aol.com N1CC at aol.com
Sun Dec 13 21:15:22 EST 1998

                     ARRL 10 METER CONTEST -- 1998
      Call: N1CC                     Country:  South Carolina
                                     Category: Single Operator Low Power
      CW        53      212       12       19
      SSB       47       94       18        9
      Totals   100      306       30       28  =   17,748
      Time on the Air:  2 hours

All reports sent were 59(9)SC, unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description: FT 990 100W to Indoor shortened 103BA (Attic-mounted)
Club Affiliation: Southeastern Contest Club (SECC)

Indoor Beam makes 10 Meters a possibility to create some noise.  Not much time
on the air to try it out though.  73, Jim

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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