[3830] K9GY SOLP-CW ARRL 10m
Eric Hall
k9gy at contesting.com
Mon Dec 14 03:12:45 EST 1998
Contest Dates : 12-Dec-98, 13-Dec-98
Callsign Used : K9GY
Operators : ERIC K9GY
Category : Single-Op, Low Power, CW Only
Default Exchange : 599 IL
Name : Eric P. Hall
Address : 3355 - 193rd Street
City/State/Zip : Lansing, IL 60438-3859
Country : United States
Team/Club : Society of Midwest Contesters (SMC)
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Countries
10CW 318 318 1280 49 42
Totals 318 318 1280 49 42
Final Score = 116,480 points.
Opg Time: approx 14:45
Stn: Kenwood TS-440s & TS-930s
Cushcraft R7000 vertical with base up 11 feet high
TR Log Version 6.35 (Great for S&Ping!!!)
Soapbox Comments
What a fun contest! Even worked a couple of mults in the US novice band!
Lots of FL, CA, and WA stns, hi!
Pre-contest goals:
1st 300 Q, 45 m, 54k pts.
2nd 450 Q, 60 m, 108k pts.
3rd 600 Q, 75 m, 180k pts.
Well, little did I know that the mult goal would be a breeze! It was
the Q goal that was the final hurdle, hi. I did like setting multiple
goals. That seemed to keep me going for longer than I probably would
have without them, like CW Sweepstakes 1998. But all the S&P
does help the mult totals more than the Q total, hi.
Best idea of the contest: grabbing KL7Y freq right after he QRTed, but
couldn't sustain any kind of run. :(
Some nice EU, and JA/VK/ZL openings...next year should be even better!
Favorite DX worked: TZ6DX and LZ0A...Couldn't snag 5H3US.
Missed some of the Sunday EU opening until 15z due to church attendence.
I should have went to the 1730z mass, oh well, live and learn.
Noticed the t-r offset on the 930 needs adjustment...off by about 0.07
Missed: DC, DE, ME, MS, RI, SD, VT, VE2,4,5,8, VO2, VY1,2, and WY
I heard alot more than I could work, but hey that's what happens with
us little pistols :)
I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations established
for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best
of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards Committee.
Date: 13 Dec 1998 Signed: Eric P. Hall Call: K9GY (ex-WD9GGY)
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