Richard Boutin VE2WAT rboutin at rocler.qc.ca
Mon Dec 14 05:54:08 EST 1998

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1998

      Call: VE2WAT                   Country: PQ, Canada
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator Low Power


      160        0        0     0.00      0       0
       80        9       13     1.44      5       5
       40      117      273     2.33     20      40
       20      138      381     2.76     25      61
       15      163      453     2.78     20      50
       10      173      433     2.50     17      56

     Totals    600     1553     2.59     87     212  =>  464,347

All reports sent were 599-05.

Equipment Description:
Ts450s @ 100w.
TH7DX for 10-15-20m        Bobtail for 40m       Phased Verticals for 80m

This event was my personal record. Dead amplifier kept me in the pileup 
a little longer HI. Overall conditions improving at last. Hope to find
all info needed to put up a 4 square to replace wire ants on 40 and 80.

Better than wakeup pills were;
40m-  A61AJ, KH8/N5OLS, 3A/N9NC
20m-  XZ1N 
15m-  3DA0CA, DX1CW

See you all next year!!!

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature __R.Boutin VE2WAT__


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