[3830] W0AH- ARRL 10M- Single Op, Mixed, QRP

W0AH at aol.com W0AH at aol.com
Sun Dec 13 22:20:20 EST 1998

                      1998 ARRL 10 Meter Test

Call Used:   W0AH       Location:  Colorado  
Category:  SO, Mixed Mode, QRP, 5 watts,  Unassisted
Equipment:  FT-1000D, KT34XA, Bird and Oak Hills Research QRP wattmeter, NA
Operator:  W0AH     Hours of operation:  24 

Mode     QSO's          Mults
CW         513               76
Phone     457                85
TOTAL    970               161    SCORE     483,322

Soapbox:   With the help of neighbor N0HCH, I finally got the broken rotator
repaired, and replaced the broken coax, only 2 hours before the test began.
After 3 hours on the tower, I was sore, so it was sure nice to sit down!  
Improved antenna this year, improved conditions, and same old operator.  
In fact, conditions were terrific.  I was able to run east coast stations on
CW for over an hour Saturday and on phone for over an hour Sunday.  I only
called stations over S4, and all but three came back, sometimes on the first
What a blast!  Six meters will be like this soon, and next year, we won't get
a whole lot of sleep in this contest!
Thanks for your good ears!

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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