[3830] WE9V ARRL 10M HP, SSB Only
WE9V Chad Kurszewski
Chad_Kurszewski at css.mot.com
Mon Dec 14 10:35:48 EST 1998
Callsign Used : WE9V
Station Used : WE9V (go figure!)
Category : S/O, High Power, PHONE ONLY
Operating Time : 10 hours
Default Exchange : 59 WI
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Countries
10SSB 760 760 1520 44 72
Final Score = 176,320 points.
Swan Mk-II ~1300W (until RFI complaint, then 700W)
Stacked Pair of KT-34XAs at 50/100'
Mosley TA-34 at 56' on 2nd Tower
Another contest I get to try out my in-progress station. Wow,
what fun!! At the last moment, I threw together a matching
network to drive all 3 antennas at once. Worked great. I think
I will have to incorporate it for all bands permanently.
Could only do the first several hours of the contest, as it was
my fiancee's birthday (30th) and we were going away to "Mad Town"
(Madison) to celebrate. So I was able to play up 'till about
1pm local on Saturday and the last two hours at the end of the test.
Was happy for a 145 and 118 hour into Europe on Saturday morning.
Worked about 15 new band countries and "possibly" one all-time new
one. Was anyone called by A51YUA?? He called in at 15:16z Saturday.
I'm positive I got the call correct. He was weak, but Q5. Spoke
with an accent (relative to the USA) and when asked about a QSL
he said "No QSL". (So I guess the point is moot if I don't get
a card, right?) 15z is 2 hours past his sunset. Oh well...
Continent List
USA calls = 344
VE calls = 24
N.A. calls = 21
S.A. calls = 38
Euro calls = 275
Afrc calls = 10
Asia calls = 2
JA calls = 23
Ocen calls = 25
Almost more EU than USA! No JA Friday, no operating Saturday, 23 JA on
1. Ca 108
2. DL 51
3. I 40
4. Wa 37
5. Il 34
6. F 33
7. G 29
8. Wi 23
9. JA 23
10. LU 20
11. EA 16
12. PA 16
13. Az 16
14. Or 16
15. Fl 15
16. vE7 11
17. ZL 9
18. ON 9
19. Nv 9
20. CT 8
Chad Kurszewski, WE9V e-mail: WE9V at qth.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site: http://www.QTH.com/sos
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