[3830] K6SE 10-Meter Contest Score

Earl W Cunningham k6se at juno.com
Mon Dec 14 13:33:23 EST 1998

K6SE 10-meter score

Category: CW only,  S/O hi-power

1217 Qs,  58 W/VE mults,  42 DX mults, 488,800 points

in about 24 operating hours.

This was an antenna experiment.  A computer-designed 4-el quad on a 24'
boom was hastily put up at 75' high two days before the contest.  The
quad consistently outperformed my TH-6DXX at the same height on another
tower 136' away.  The quad had at least a 2 S-unit advantage over the
TH-6DXX and its F/B & F/S were incredible. I always thought the TH-6DXX
was a good performer on 10m -- now I'm considering replacing it with a
tri-band quad!

The openings into EU from here in southern California were marginal --
nothing east of France appeared while I was on.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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