[3830] WP2Z (WD5N) CQWW-CW SOSB 10M LP
Harper, David
DavidHarper at tx.slr.com
Tue Dec 15 13:09:36 EST 1998
Sorry this is so late. I couldn't seem to get my computer at home to send
this without being in MIME format.
Contest Dates: 28-29 Nov. 1998
Callsign Used: WP2Z
Operator: WD5N
Category: Single-Op Single-Band 10M Low Power
Default Exchange: 599 8
Name: David Harper
Country: U.S. Virgin Islands
Team/Club: Central Texas DX & Contest Club
BAND Raw QSO's Valid QSO's Points Countries Zones
10CW 2513 2481 6364 104 30
Final Score: 852,776
(168 QSO's were made on other bands as a checklog)
Rig: TS690S, 100W
Ant: C4 up 30 feet on ridge overlooking ocean
Log: TRlog 6.32
This should be a new North American record (previously 252K). I wouldn't
have goofed around on other bands so much if I'd have known how close I was
to the world record (903K). Oh well, lots of fun anyway. It was nice to be
back at Windwood on top of St.Croix (WP2AHW in '95). Within 15 minutes of
arriving at the house I was standing on the porch with my AEA 10M DX-Handy
(2-watt handheld SSB/CW rig with a 4-foot whip) and worked a guy in
Illinois. Yeah, 10M was gonna be decent this year!
This is to certify...blah blah...
Date:__11/30/98___ Signed:__David Harper___ Call:___WP2Z (op WD5N)
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