[3830] K1KY ARRL 160m SOLP Story

Tom Delker k1ky at bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 17 00:29:51 EST 1998


    Contest Dates : 04-Dec-98, 05-Dec-98, 06-Dec-98
    Callsign Used : K1KY
         Operator : K1KY
         Category : SO LP, Unassisted
 Default Exchange : 599 TN
        Equipment : Ten-Tec Omni 6+, Icom IC-735, Pentium Laptop
                    TR-Log 6.latest version
         Antennas : 465' Elevated Inverted L (Under construction)
                    Delker Loop -(retired on 160)
                    Carolina Windom 160 @ 130'
                    Beverages NE, N, NW, SE  
         Location : Music Mountain, Gallatin, TN
             Name : Thomas M. Delker
          Address : 113 Richland Ave.
   City/State/Zip : Smyrna, TN 37167
          Country : United States


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

  160CW      916         873       1770      72         8 

 Totals      916         873       1770      72         8 

    Final Score = 141600 points.  Operating Time: 32:48
    66 2nd Radio Q's, 0 Band Changes.

        K1KY - ARRL 160 '98 MAXRATE ANALYSIS

      0013:          4 per minute     (240/hr)
      0021:         21 per 10 minutes (126/hr)
      0022:         89 per hour

 Total Qs: 916  Average rate: 27.97/hr (32:48 Op)

 Breaks: Dec. 5 - 13:13 - 20:55  Off 7:42
         Dec. 6 - 14:30 - 16:00  Off 1:30


      HR    160    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
      --   -----   ------ ---------  -----
      22   56/23    56/23    56/23   0.00M
      23   74/14    74/14   130/37   0.01M
       0   69/5     69/5    199/42   0.02M
       1   36/4     36/4    235/46   0.02M
       2   59/4     59/4    294/50   0.03M
       3   63/1     63/1    357/51   0.04M
       4   34/5     34/5    391/56   0.04M
       5   30/3     30/3    421/59   0.05M
       6   32/5     32/5    453/64   0.06M
       7   13/5     13/5    466/69   0.07M
       8   42/4     42/4    508/73   0.08M
       9   11/3     11/3    519/76   0.08M
      10   13/0     13/0    532/76   0.08M
      11   19/0     19/0    551/76   0.09M
      12   29/0     29/0    580/76   0.09M  (39 down from 1997 HP)
      13    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M    4 mults ahead!
      14    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      15    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      16    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      17    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      18    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      19    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      20    ---      ---    580/76   0.09M
      21    8/0      8/0    588/76   0.09M
      22   15/0     15/0    603/76   0.09M
      23   18/0     18/0    621/76   0.10M
       0   30/0     30/0    651/76   0.10M
       1   26/2     26/2    677/78   0.11M
       2   40/1     40/1    717/79   0.12M
       3   33/0     33/0    750/79   0.12M
       4   11/0     11/0    761/79   0.12M
       5   16/1     16/1    777/80   0.13M
       6   16/0     16/0    793/80   0.13M
       7   10/0     10/0    803/80   0.13M
       8   15/0     15/0    818/80   0.13M
       9    6/0      6/0    824/80   0.13M
      10    8/0      8/0    832/80   0.14M
      11   15/0     15/0    847/80   0.14M
      12   14/0     14/0    861/80   0.14M
      13    8/0      8/0    869/80   0.14M
      14    4/0      4/0    873/80   0.14M  (105 Down from 1997 HP)
      D1 130/37             130/37           Same # Mults!
      D2 743/43             743/43
      TO 873/80             873/80
           QSO DISTRIBUTIONS ARRL 160 '98  K1KY

   1. Oh   61   2. Il   57   3. Va   46   4. Mi   42   5. Ep   36
   6. Tn   34   7. Mdc  29   8. STx  29   9. Wi   27  10. In   23
  11. Nc   23  12. WNy  23  13. NNj  22  14. Ky   19  15. Ia   18
  16. NFl  18  17. ENy  16  18. Ga   16  19. Co   16  20. Mn   16
  21. SNj  15  22. On   15  23. Al   15  24. Mo   14  25. Em   14
  26. Ar   13  27. NTx  13  28. Ct   12  29. WPa  12  30. Ms   10
  31. La   10  32. Ok   10  33. Wv    9  34. Sc    9  35. WMa   8
  36. Ks    8  37. SFl   7  38. WWa   7  39. Nh    6  40. Nm    6
  41. Ut    6  42. Vt    5  43. Ri    5  44. Nv    5  45. Qc    4
  46. Sb    4  47. Sv    4  48. De    3  49. Bc    3  50. Scv   3
  51. Lax   3  52. Or    3  53. Ew    3  54. Mar   2  55. Me    2
  56. Nd    2  57. Wy    2  58. Ne    2  59. Vi    2  60. Mb    2
  61. Sjv   2  62. NLi   2  63. WTx   2  64. Az    2  65. NNy   1
  66. J6    1  67. C6    1  68. ZF    1  69. Sk    1  70. I     1
  71. ON    1  72. DL    1  73. Eb    1  74. Ab    1  75. Sdg   1
  76. EA    1  77. Sf    1  78. Pac   1  79. Mt    1  80. GM    1

 Michigan moves up to #4 from #5, MD up to #7 from #9 and
 IN up to #10 from #15. 
 Missed: Id, Sd, Org, Nwt, Ak, Pr, Nl
 Missed: 27 known Domestic Ops heard and 3 DX. SP7GIQ popped up
  on my run frequency S-7 but I couldn't get his attention.
  Same thing for YV5JDP on 1823.6 with no takers, couldn't raise
  him either. 

 Soapbox Comments

 My 2nd run at this one.. This time Low Power due to my new
 secret antenna project "under construction". 45 Min. before the 
 contest I was out in the field trimming 15' off the big "L"
 and was able to tune it to 3:1 with the tuner in the shack.
 The 2nd afternoon I trimmed another 15' off and was able to
 tune it down to around 2:1 with the tuner in the shack. Have
 only 2 elevated radials deployed. At the end of day 1 I was 
 only 19 Q's behind last year's HP effort and 4 mults ahead!
 Picked up many mults on the 2nd radio and found that I could
 S&P within 15khz below my CQ frequency. (Viva Low Power!)
 Thanks to K1AO for egging me on at the last as I surpassed
 last year's #2 finish in the LP category. Hopefully this 
 will be an upper top-ten finish! Can't wait to try the
 1/4 wave folded unipole that is under construction too!
 Congratulations to the many TCG ops and top finishes.

Thomas M. Delker - K1KY CFO#395 - Smyrna / Gallatin / Short Mtn. TN
A.R.R.L. District Emergency Coordinator - Tennessee District #4
C.A.T.S. (W4CAT) - 147.30/145.23/145.49/145.17/223.98/444.45/444.65
Stones River A.R.C. (K4FUN) - http://www.members.home.com/srarc
Tennessee Contest Group (K4TCG) - http://www.k4ro.net/tcg.html
         CODE WARRIOR ©  #2  - Mobile CW Operator
        "Taking Code on the Road with a Vengeance"

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