[3830] K5PN ARRL 10M SO LP CW

Ron Chambers k5pn at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 17 14:38:27 EST 1998

           ARRL 10 Meter Contest
               December 1998
callsign: K5PN
     QTH: TX  
   class: Single Operator
   power: 100W (at best, maybe)
    mode: CW only  (duh!)
   hours: 7 +/-
   equip: Icom 765 with TH6 at 62.47 ft and some coax
    club: North Texas Contest Club
 logging: TR6.35

431 Q's x 40 Domestic Mult x 33 DX Mult =>>  125,852 points

Hated I couldn't hang around for Sunday! Only able to slip in a few 
hours early Saturday morning and later Saturday afternoon. Had lots of 
fun with really nice run rates with USA stations around 11AM and again 
at 3PM, mixed with a short EU burst about 9AM. Missed the JA activity 


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