Irek dx at dr.com
Mon Dec 21 01:44:09 EST 1998

And here is my result:

 463               1860                   38                     85

CW ONLY, QRV 16 hours.

RIG: IC-735 100W out,ant: 4 ele Triband Yagi, 40 mH.

Some statistics
By continents:
NA      187 QSO  40.3 %
SA        21            4.5 %
EU      168          36.2 %
AS        67          13.8 %
AF          9            1.9 %
OC        12            2.6 %
- -----------------------
By US states/VE provinces:
1.   CT:4  ,MA:8 ,ME:2 ,NH:6 ,RI:1 ,VT:1
2.   NY:10 ,NJ:12
3.   DE:4 ,PA:13 ,MD:8 ,DC:1
4.   AL:5 ,GA:4 ,KY:1 ,NC:6 ,FL:14 ,SC:1 ,TN:8 ,VA:5
5.   AR:2  ,TX:6 ,OK:2      nil from LA,MS,NM....
6.    nil !
7.    nil !
8.   MI:6 ,OH:15 ,WV:5
9.    IL:7 ,IN:1 ,WI:4
0.    IA:1 ,MN:2 ,MO:1 ,NE:1  ,nil from ND and SD
VE: NB:1 ,NS:1 ,NF:1 ,PQ:1 ,ON:6

Anyway,nice contest,many stations,although condx to NA were poor...
The only heard station from CA was K7BV ,with a good signal,but he kept
calling CQ test,
and didn`t respond me.It was on Saturday.I hoped to work any 6 or 7 on Sunday,
but condx were worse...
The westernmost stn worked was K0HA from NE.Congrats to his RIG:He responded me
at once despite a western-EU pileup calling him !
Although I worked 6 stns from TX,I didn`t even hear anyone from LA,MS,NM !
(I was mainly scanning the CW band, my CQ was only occassional )
On both mornings I slept toooo long,only some 20 JA`s worked.
But managed to work KH0,KH2,T88II.The most distant were ZL1AXB,
ZL2DX and ZL2AGY coming here with good signals.
BTW:On Saturday my antenna was covered by a thick snow and ice layer,but
all was OK.
On Sunday came warm winds,and all began to melt,and the SWR was well over 3 !
I thought something happened with the traps there,or the coax,even my
MFJ-941E wouldn`t help, SWR was very high,although I could copy
normally.The high SWR was on all the
3 bands.Some 5 hours after condx on 10m were here over,I checked again,and
all began
to normalize..ufff.what a relief..hi.
73 to all and I hope that condx during the ARRL contest in February will be
better on 10m.


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