[3830] N8PR Stew Perry HP/S

N8PR -Pete k8unp at shadow.net
Sun Dec 27 17:46:26 EST 1998

1998 Stew Perry 160 Meter Distance Challenge

Call: N8PR           Power 1.5 KW
Grid: EL96           Rig: Icom 756 + LK800 + Delta Loop

QSO's:  47
Pts:   359

Best DX:  IT9ZGY 

Worked 12 stations in EU the rest in USA except for KP2/
Only on for 3 hours (04-07Z).  Was fun, but rain killed the weak recieve
ability ... went to bed.  Set alarm for 3 hours, but slept through it... 
Great warm up for the big contests, huh?

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted.

HNY to all  N8PR, Pete

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