Sun Dec 27 22:38:01 EST 1998
RAC Canada Winter Contest -- 1998
Call: VE8RAC (at VE8EV) Country: Canada
Province: NWT Category: Single Op / All Bands
80 CW 2 22 1 1 1
80 SSB 12 114 10 5 2
40 CW 3 32 2 2 1
40 SSB 8 58 4 3 4
20 CW 18 174 16 8 2
20 SSB 57 462 41 9 16
15 CW 6 60 6 6 0
15 SSB 152 818 63 9 89
10 CW 5 42 4 4 1
10 SSB 409 1750 114 10 295
Totals 672 3532 261 57 411 Score 3532 x 57
= 201,324 pts.
Operator: VE8EV
Equipment Description : FT-767GX, TMC LPA-1K, TH3JRS @ 40' (10/15/20),
35' loaded vertical (160/80/40)
The low bands were a big disappointment for this time of year but at least I
worked everybody I heard. For someone who has never been through the top
end of a solar cycle band conditions on 10m and 15m continue to amaze me.
Had a 150 hour on 10m and three other 100+ hours on 10m and 15m. Too bad it
didn't last longer. Spent the last hour S&P looking for mults. Apologies
to all who had to deal with my rudimentary CW abilities.
Highlight: Being QRO for the first time and having guys on 80m come back to
my first call!
Lowlight: Being QRO for the first time and having the guy across the street
phone me in the middle of the contest to report that I was 59 on every
appliance and audio device in his house...
Only 10 more days until sunrise here :-)
John - VE8EV
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