[3830] N5NU RAC SOABHP Score
Jason N5NU
n5nu at inu.net
Mon Dec 28 18:59:12 EST 1998
Contest Date : 27-Dec-98
Callsign Used : N5NU
Operator : N5NU
Category : SOAB HP
Default Exchange : 59(9)
Address : RT 1 BOX 1025
City/State/Zip : DOUGLASS TX 75943
Country : United States
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
160CW 2 2 20 2
160SSB 2 2 20 2
80CW 25 24 210 6
80SSB 42 40 298 6
40CW 81 80 544 10
40SSB 8 8 90 7
20CW 86 84 572 11
20SSB 165 160 1208 12
15CW 43 43 336 12
15SSB 80 79 658 12
10CW 31 31 330 11
10SSB 46 46 422 12
Totals 611 599 4708 103
Final Score = 484924 points.
Stuff: Kenwood TS 850S & Ten Tec Centaur @ 400w
Icom 735 @ 100w
Tuner by Ten Tec
Ants: 3 Element yagi
Other: Used TR Logging
The day before the contest started, I had to do ice repairs on the 80
meter antenna. Appearantly, it had broken because of the 1/4 inch of ice
that had been on it. That's the first time I've had any weather related
damage to antennas.
I started the contest on 15 meters, and wasted the first 4 minutes CQ'ing
without a contact. I re-tuned on 20 meters to find that I was behind.
>From there I took off.
W5WMU and I worked, and exchanged numbers. I was 44 up on him, but I was
12 behind KA6SAR when I worked him. N5DO and I were between and 1 and 5
apart. Slugged it out on the low bands and moved mults when I could. Even
worked VE6JY and VE9AA on both modes. Also had a SM5 and DF9 come back to
CQ's on 80 meters. (After the contest I checked the cluster to find that
I'd also been spotted by DL0WW but I hadn't worked him)
Just regular thing tomorrow. The best hour was 50, but I concentrated on
multipliers knowing that I wasn't running any rate. Ended with 103
N5DO and I compared numbers at the end to find that I had 13 more
multipliers, but he had 102 more contacts. I did some math and found that
the difference was about 16 contacts.
Great contest, but I wish that Americans and DX were worth more; say like
4 points... (Oh yeah... 136 Ontario stations worked...)
73, Jason N5NU
n5nu at inu.net
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