[3830] RAC Canada Winter Summary #2
Michael Dinkelman
mwdink at eskimo.com
Wed Dec 30 04:31:38 EST 1998
RAC Canada Winter Summary #2
Thanks to WA7BNM Contest Page for
Log Submission Information
Logs Due By:Jan 31, 1999
e-mail: none
Mail: RAC
720 Belfast Rd, Suite 217
Ottawa, Ontario
Call Pwr Class QSOs Mults Pts Score
VE9AA HP SOAB 1493 121 899,756
VE2ZP LP SOAB 822 134 851,436
N0AC @ N0NI HP SOAB 1043 48 650,560
VY2SS HP SOAB 1403 91 650,468
N5DO HP SOAB 719 90 5526 497,340
VE5CPU LP SOAB 787 70 377,160
WA3HAE LP SOAB 545 84 4292 360,528
VE8RAC @VE8EV HP SOAB 672 57 3532 201,324
VE3TDG ( VA3SYL) LP SOAB 405 57 170,658
N2CU LP SOAB 375 62 2514 155,868
KD3GC HP SOAB 255 61 1998 121,878
KQ6ES LP SOAB 240 57 1962 111,834
ZF2NT HP SOSB/10 1127 23 100,832
CG3KZ HP SOSB/10 808 23 68,586
KI9A HP SOAB 180 49 1398 68,502
LY63BA HP SOAB 192 37 1420 52,540
CF3UZ (VA3UZ) LP SOSB/15 524 22 52,228
HA2SX HP SOAB 277 33 1406 46,398
W1HIJ LP SOAB 108 33 838 27,654
LY2BTA LP SOAB CW 52 17 430 7,310
LY2OX LP SOSB/20 53 12 340 4,080
W7WHY LP SOAB 12 284 3,408
N6RO HP SOSB/160 19 212 1,484
RU6CZ LP SOAB 23 4 110 440
Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
Kent, WA
mwdink at eskimo.com
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