[3830] KQ6ES corrected Stew Perry Score
John Simmons
electricshock at worldnet.att.net
Thu Dec 31 04:23:57 EST 1998
For what it's worth, here's the corrected score after letting TRLog
figure it out for me. I gained a whopping 16 points.
Contest Date : 26-27 December 1998
Callsign Used : KQ6ES
Operator : KQ6ES
Category : Single Op Low Power
Default Exchange : DM13
Name : John Simmons
Address : 2224 Sierra Leone Avenue
City/State/Zip : Rowland Heights, CA 91748-3724
Country : United States
Team/Club : Southern California Contest Club
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points
160CW 34 34 94
Final Score = 94 x 2 = 188 points.
Grids worked = 26
Farthest QSO = KH7R, I don't know the km's but it's a 9 pointer
FT-840 at 100w
Butternut HF9V-x roof mtd with 160m resonator & one very
crooked radial.
Soapbox Comments:
Conditions were poor. I didn't hear a single station from call areas
1,2,3,8 & 9 (!!!) and only one 4, W8JI in GA. I couldn't work up the
enthusiasm to put in more time. I'll be back to try again in 1999, and
will see you in the CQ 160m CW.
73 de John
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