[3830] Sprint ssb K6LL score

k6ll at juno.com k6ll at juno.com
Sun Feb 1 18:03:04 EST 1998

                       SSB SPRINT SUMMARY SHEET - K6LL

             Name : Dave Hachadorian
          Address : 2750 W. 22nd. St.
   City/State/Zip : Yuma, AZ 85364
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   80SSB      75          75         75       0         0 
   40SSB     157         157        157      13         0 
   20SSB     100         100        100      33         1 

 Totals      332         332        332      46         1 

 Final Score = 15,604 points.

Just before the contest started, I noticed spurious characters,
caused by rfi, appearing on the computer screen. I quickly rearranged
some ground leads and wiring and eliminated the problem on 20 two
minutes before the contest. When I switched to 40, the problem
reappeared and was much worse. I dove under the desk and pulled
out the modem line and printer, which helped a lot. It took two
more dives to rearrange wiring until the problem was solved.

I was using a new computer, but had operated all week on 20, 40 and
75, running 1500 watts, with the logging program running, and
never experienced a problem. I think the problem was worsened when
I brought my hands in proximity to the keyboard, which I had not
done in my testing. There's nothing like a contest to bring out weak
links in an amateur radio station!

Didn't spend enough time on 75, and was hampered slightly on that
band by a streetlight that kept trying to ignite itself for about
20 seconds every two minutes. I'll try to find that sucker tonight
and get it fixed by next weekend.

Missed DE ID KS MD ME NY RI VE1 VE2 WV WY. Some easy ones in there.

Left 20 at 0102, and didn't go to 75 until 0313. That was a mistake.
It worked well in February of 1997 though. One radio, two band changes.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ
K6LL at juno.com

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