[3830] NA Sprint 98 KU7Y

Monte Stark ku7y at dri.edu
Sat Feb 7 23:39:34 EST 1998

Hi All,

QSOs   --  85
MULTs  --  31
TOTAL  -- 2635

Power 5w.
Antenna: C4SXL @ 85'
         Loaded tower on 80m

Many thanks to all and my apologies to the couple where I
got my fingers crossed up and just locked things up! I'll
learn to use a computer one of these days!


73,  Ron, KU7Y

NRA Life------Ex W6JXO, DL4RF, N7CRV------SOWP #5545-M
QRP ARCI #8829----NorCal #330----QRP-L #17-----ARS #49
AR QRP #150--------DM09cg---------New Washoe City,  NV

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