[3830] W4ZV ARRL CW SOHP Single Band 160

Bill Tippett btippett at CTC.Net
Mon Feb 23 06:43:05 EST 1998

Summary:  200 QSO's  71 Countries  42.6 Points        

        Well, this contest ended for me last night at 0640.  Blame
it on El Nino!  He cooked up a huge storm in the Gulf of Mexico and
the noise was just too much to contend with.  I didn't even hear a
single JA this morning through the QRN and am now listening to W1-3's
running Europeans as the contest is nearing the end (2350 UTC now).
Now I know how the guys at 9M0C must feel!  Last evening the QRN was
a solid S9 off the back side of my Beverages toward Europe and I could
only copy the strongest stations (my apologies to all those that were
calling and I couldn't hear!)

        Anyway, with my last QSO at 0640 last night, I finished with
200 QSO's and 71 countries for 42.6K points.  Last year I had 223 and
67 countries and was really hoping I could better it this year, since
I had a better start with 140/64 by Saturday morning!  Oh well, better
luck next year and maybe El Nino will stay away!  

                                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  Comparisons to the multi-multis up north:

                W3LPL  274/74
                K1KI   228/66
                K3LR   221/69


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