[3830] K3WW Single Op Assisted ARRL DX CW 1998

Charles Charles
Mon Feb 23 14:05:27 EST 1998

K3WW  Single Operator Assisted   ARRL DX CW  1998

      160      118      354   3.0       58
       80      290      870   3.0       79
       40      850     2550   3.0       92
       20      990     2970   3.0      100
       15      764     2292   3.0       88
       10       29       87   3.0       29
     Totals   3041     9123   3.0      446  =   4,068,858

47Plus hours  left the rig for up to 10 minutes once  a few other brief
forages for food.  2 real dead hours the second night, but feared not
waking up in time..so kept busy putting out spots.

73 Chas K3WW

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