Jay Pryor jpryor at uga.cc.uga.edu
Mon Feb 23 15:22:24 EST 1998

Single Op, Low Power/Unassisted

Default: 599, GA

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   

  160CW       33          33         99        24 
   80CW       71          71        213        36 
   40CW      176         176        528        48 
   20CW      267         267        801        66 
   15CW      248         248        744        64 
   10CW       48          48        144        25 

 Totals      843         843       2529       263 

    Final Score = 665127 points.

Club Affiliation: South East Contest Club

Equipment:	FT-1000MP
		FT-900 (occasional quick scan to see if 10M were open)
		A-3S for 20/15/10; rooftop tower @ app. 35 feet
		80M & 40M: half-wave dipoles
		160M inverted L, one elevated radial
		TRLOG 6.21

Great conditions Friday night; terrible conditions on low bands Saturday
night. As an indication, all QSOs on 160 and 80 were made Friday night with
the exception of two on 80. Had five 6-band stations; ten 5-band stations.  

Was wading through the typical (for me) Sunday afternoon doldrums when I
first heard some of the big guns calling JAs on 20. Then I heard some of
the JAs responding. (Then the adrenalin started kicking in.) Then I started
working them. I went to 15 and was amazed at the JA signal strength, and
worked a QRP JA. Sure would have been fun if the same opening to Japan had
been there both days. However, I'm not complaining.  This was great fun!



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