BOB WRUBLE ai7b at teleport.com
Mon Feb 23 18:01:02 EST 1998


Qso's  1480
Mults    222
Score  1Meg
Hours opr =3D 30

Started out doing single band 40 but got discouraged listening to N7DD
wking stn I cud not even hear in Ore.....playing fielf btwn NW and AZ
will never be close to being level!!  but who cares...  certainly not
the sponsors,,,,,afterall sponsors live in the land of eu on all bsnds
at all times!  where a simple tribander produces a competitive score!!

Switvhed to all band sat am at 1500z and started having some
fun....first eu opening on 15 mtrs this new cycle....no eu or ja on
ten tho.....im done with single 40 till cycle drops off to minimum.

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