[3830] K3LR ARRL DX CW Multi Multi

tduffy tduffy at sygnet.com
Mon Feb 23 23:31:28 EST 1998

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                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: K3LR                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi


      160      221      663   3.0       69       K8GL
       80      809     2427   3.0       96       K3UA
       40     1239     3717   3.0      108   VE3EJ+K9VV+W3YQ
       20     1764     5292   3.0      119   N9RV+KB3AFT+K3LR
       15     1232     3696   3.0      111      N3RA+K8CX
       10      128      384   3.0       57      KA3JWJ+ND8L

     Totals   5393    16179   3.0      560  =   9,060,240

Merged raw score

Equipment Description:

160 - 5 Element vertical array, (new design) (45,000 feet of radials)
      1200' Beverage on Europe
      FT-1000MP    8877 amp
 80 - Ground mounted 4 square vertical array (25,000 feet of radials)
      FT-1000MP    8877 amp
 40 - 4 ele/4 ele WA3FET design, 50' booms, OWA fullsize beams @ 190'/100'
      2 ele beam at 140 feet
      IC781 and IC775  8877 amp
 20 - 5 ele/5 ele/5 ele K3LR design, 50' booms, @ 170'/110'/50'
      5 ele beam at 120 feet
      IC781 and IC781  8877 amp
 15 - 6 ele/6 ele/6 ele K3LR design, 50' booms, @ 120'/80'/40'
      5 ele beam at 80 feet
      IC765 and IC765  8877 amp
 10 - 7 ele/7 ele/7 ele K3LR design, 50' booms, @ 100'/66'/33'
      6 ele beam at 200 feet and 7 ele beam at 50 feet
      IC765 and IC765  8877 amp

      11 TIC ring rotors

Club Affiliation: North Coast Contesters 


One of the hardest working K3LR crews ever.

160 meters - Most improved band. Great Condx. Best ARRL DX CW 
             score ever from K3LR. K8GL is a super top band operator!
 80 meters - Good condx 1st night. Very noisey 2nd night. 
             60 JA's. K3UA running with bad cold. Coffee consumption
             way down. Only 34 cups. Outstanding effort from a very
             sick operator!
 40 meters - Good condx. Lots of JA's. Europe did not fade at 0200z.
             Low mults (123 last year). VE3EJ (Canada's best contestman!)
             and K9VV are a great team!
             Thanks to W3YQ for sitting in at the last minute.
 20 meters - Great JA openings both days. FB Europe on day 1. Not
             enough guys to work day 2. KB3AFT rides Greyhound for
             6 1/2 hours from Penn State Univ. to get here. Arrives 
             with a cold. N9RV also has very bad cold. 
             Good thing 20 wasn't sick. RV averages 100 coughs/hour and
             has best QSO rate at 162/hour. Tremedous effort from
             2 dedicated contestmen!
 15 meters - Good Europe both days. Great JA openings. Big QSO
             improvement over last year (625). Every multiplier
             they heard, they worked. Left nothing on the dial.
             N3RA and K8CX are two of the best 15 meter operators
             in the USA!
 10 meters - A few Europeans both days. A couple of JA's. Band
             still mostly asleep. KA3JWJ and ND8L can't wait 
             until we get some REAL 10 meter openings! After
             JWJ's 142 EU hour on 10 in CQWW CW, he is ready
             for this fall. ND8L wins favorite op award.....
             He brings the donuts.
 Congrats to W3LPL + crew and K1KI + crew and their fantastic scores!
 Also nice to see big efforts from N6RO, K0RF and W7RM in multi multi!

 We'll see everyone for the Phone contest!

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                              Continent Statistics
   K3LR   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST CW   Multi Multi    Feb 1998

                 160   80   40   20   15   10   ALL   percent

North America      27   28   45   48   50   36   234     4.1
South America       4   10   32   55   63   51   215     3.8
Europe            177  676 1003 1399  921   15  4191    74.3
Asia               10   68  156  357  219    2   812    14.4
Africa              4   10   16   17   15    6    68     1.2
Oceania             5   17   29   22   27   19   119     2.1

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                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

   K3LR   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST CW  Multi Multi  22 Feb 1998  

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   4X                 1           5           3           1                     
   9A     7          14          30          23          17           2         
   C6     2           2           5           4           4           2         
   CT     2           2           3           4           8           1         
   DL    15         106         126         217         166           1         
   EA     1          22          45          42          37           3         
   EI     3           4           4           7           2                     
   ES     1           4           2           9           3                     
   EU     1          10           5          12          10                     
    F     7          19          42          56          34                     
    G    22          66          72         108          56           1         
   GM     2           9           4          12           2                     
   GW     6           9           3           7           4                     
   HA     9          36          59          63          43                     
   HB     3          14          20          28          23                     
   HL                                         5           3                     
   HS                                         6                                 
    I    12          33         110         116          89           2         
   IS                 2           3           5           3                     
   JA     6          60         115         253         189           2         
  KH6     3           5           6           7           8           5         
   KL                 2           1           5           3           1         
  KP4     4           2           3           5           3           6         
   LA     1           5           6          12           9                     
   LU     1           2           8          21          27          26         
   LY     3           9           3          20           9                     
   LZ     1          12          26          23          15           2         
   OE     3           3           7          16           8                     
   OH     2           8          19          53          17                     
   OK    16          56          53          76          61                     
   OM     9          22          15          27          13                     
   ON     2          19          22          31          23                     
   OZ     2           8           6          15           9                     
   PA     6          11          16          40          33                     
   PY     1           1          10          19          19           9         
   S5     7          26          47          36          33           1         
   SM     7          11          13          28          19                     
   SP     5          22          17          52          29                     
   SV     2           2           9           7           6                     
   T9                 1           5           1           2                     
   UA     3          20          51         113          45                     
  UA9                 3          22          59          13                     
   UR     3          41          80          63          34                     
   VK     2           5          12           7           7           4         
VP8/h                 2           3           6           2           3         
   XE     3           4           9           7           8           4         
   YL     3           3           3           5           5                     
   YO     1           7          11           6           6                     
   YU     5          25          47          46          34           1         
   Z3                 1           5           3           3                     
   ZL                 2           5           1           3           3         
   ZS     1           2           8           6           6           3         

*Minimum of 5 on any band

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HOUR    160       80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

  0     8/8     72/27    79/27    85/24    39/15    .....  283/101  283/101
  1    14/9     62/7     76/18    63/12     3/0       .     218/46  501/147
  2    22/7     40/8     86/19    18/3       .        .     166/37  667/184
  3    13/9     42/8     56/9     11/4       .        .     122/30  789/214
  4    21/10    52/5     42/1      2/0       .        .     117/16  906/230
  5    36/7     26/4     62/6      2/2       .        .     126/19 1032/249
  6    15/6     43/6     56/2      1/0       .        .     115/14 1147/263
  7     6/1     33/3     30/5      1/1       .        .      70/10 1217/273
  8     1/0     14/4     25/1      1/1     .....    .....    41/6  1258/279
  9     2/1     15/4     20/2       .        .        .      37/7  1295/286
 10     1/1     21/1     15/0     54/15      .        .      91/17 1386/303
 11     4/1     14/0     13/0    104/11    11/8       .     146/20 1532/323
 12     3/0     12/0     33/3    162/7     38/18     1/1    249/29 1781/352
 13      .        .       4/1    102/6     83/22     8/5    197/34 1978/386
 14      .        .        .     109/4    144/10    11/7    264/21 2242/407
 15      .        .        .      80/1    118/7     13/10   211/18 2453/425
 16    .....    .....    .....    82/1     84/2      9/6    175/9  2628/434
 17      .        .        .      73/2     65/6      8/3    146/11 2774/445
 18      .        .        .      77/4     13/2      6/2     96/8  2870/453
 19      .        .        .      57/3     18/4      7/4     82/11 2952/464
 20      .        .      43/1     43/1      9/0      5/1    100/3  3052/467
 21      .       2/0     64/1     31/0     12/0      4/3    113/4  3165/471
 22      .      15/1     65/0     41/4     37/3      7/3    165/11 3330/482
 23     6/0     59/3     60/2     35/1     55/3      2/0    217/9  3547/491
  0    15/2     49/2     33/1     38/2     30/0     .....   165/7  3712/498
  1     6/0     29/1     26/0     29/2      4/1       .      94/4  3806/502
  2     7/2     21/2     25/0     16/1       .        .      69/5  3875/507
  3     7/1     23/0     23/1      3/0       .        .      56/2  3931/509
  4     9/2     25/3     24/3       .        .        .      58/8  3989/517
  5     7/0     24/2     17/2      1/0       .        .      49/4  4038/521
  6     6/0     31/0     21/1       .        .        .      58/1  4096/522
  7     1/0     17/1     13/0       .        .        .      31/1  4127/523
  8    .....     2/1      9/0     .....    .....    .....    11/1  4138/524
  9      .        .      14/0      1/0       .        .      15/0  4153/524
 10      .       1/0      3/0     22/0       .        .      26/0  4179/524
 11      .        .       2/0     37/0      6/0       .      45/0  4224/524
 12      .       3/0     32/0     65/3     40/2       .     140/5  4364/529
 13      .        .       1/0     38/0     98/2      1/0    138/2  4502/531
 14      .        .       1/0     37/0     73/1     11/4    122/5  4624/536
 15      .        .        .      29/1     81/1      7/1    117/3  4741/539
 16    .....    .....    .....    40/0     53/1      5/1     98/2  4839/541
 17      .        .        .      35/1     27/0      8/1     70/2  4909/543
 18      .        .        .      38/0      8/1      3/1     49/2  4958/545
 19      .        .        .      30/0      3/0      4/2     37/2  4995/547
 20      .        .      12/0     32/1      7/2      4/1     55/4  5050/551
 21      .       1/1     53/1     20/1      6/0      1/0     81/3  5131/554
 22      .      28/1     54/0     11/0     34/0      3/1    130/2  5261/556
 23    11/2     33/1     47/1      8/0     33/0       .     132/4  5393/560
DAY1  152/60   522/81   829/98 1234/107  729/100    81/45    ..... 3547/491
DAY2   69/9    287/15   410/10   530/12   503/11    47/12      .   1846/69 
TOT   221/69   809/96 1239/108 1764/119 1232/111   128/57      .   5393/560


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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