[3830] W7RM M/M in ARRL DX CW

K7NT at aol.com K7NT at aol.com
Tue Feb 24 12:09:49 EST 1998

Approximate Score = 2.5 million  (2545 x 340)
10 = 94/35
15 = 637/82
20 = 845/87
40 = 776/83
80 = 141/35
160 = 50/19
Ops - K7NT, N7WA, NC7M, KI7Y, W7WZ, N7EPD, WG7A, W7CW, K7KX, AA6PC

Tried several new station configuration and setup ideas and had a great time!
Having a run and mult station, each with their own rig and computer sertup is
pretty neat. Must start setting up before 11:00 AM the morning of the contest
though! We have some plans to help that on the way.  It was great to have 15
open to EU and JA. What a treat! Looking forward to the cycle developing.
Mike K7NT

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