[3830] FD results: N7PI, 3A+novice, Pocatello ARC

bfrede at poci.amis.com bfrede at poci.amis.com
Wed Jul 1 15:20:10 EDT 1998

Pocatello ARC
N7PI +(KC7ESB)  3A with novice and VHF


       80        4      91
      40      188     408
      20      366     592
       15       25     134
      10        1       0
      10N        0      97
        6        0      99
     RTTY     20       0

               604 +  1421     =    2025 Total QSO

(2416 CW QSO PTS + 2842 SSB QSO PTS) + 800 BONUS = 6,058

We did our best but I hear it is only good enough for at least second best in
the Idaho section.  Congratulations to the Boise contest contingent.  Wait
until next year. ;-)
We had excellent weather this year but a poor ground.  We operated from a Scout
Camp that is located on lava bedrock.  Ground rods were impossible to drive and
sagebrush served as many tie off supports.  Our best performing antenna was a
40m vertical pipe as it included many radials.
We shared RTTY with CW and it was more of a hindrance in our effort.  With more
operators it would be a good mode for FD.  Bad location for the CW
tribander/tower hurt our total score.  That mistake probably cost us winning
our section.
Six and 10m were a surprise as we expected dead bands.  15m was squirrely due
to rapid fading.  Next year should be a lot of fun on the higher bands.
thanks to all,
Bill Frede  W7II
Pocatello ARC
Pocatello, Idaho
150 miles north of Salt Lake City

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