[3830] JULY 98 RAC: N6RO, SO HP AB

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Wed Jul 1 19:31:35 EDT 1998


                                RAC SUMMARY SHEET

   Contest Dates : 01-Jul-98, 02-Jul-98

   Callsign Used : N6RO   Operator : N6RO   Category : SO HP AB


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   


  160CW        7           7        100       5 

  160SSB       6           6         90       4 

   80CW       23          23        262       7 

   80SSB      41          40        430       7 

   40CW       51          50        454       7 

   40SSB      18          18        202       6 

   20CW      110         109        880      10 

   20SSB     268         263       2554      12 

   15CW      101         101        764      11 

   15SSB     173         172       1600      10 

   10CW       12          12        150       6 

   10SSB      16          16        148       6 


 Totals      826         817       7634      91 

    Final Score = 694,694 points.



ANTENNAS:  Many big ones

Despite summer QRN, this one was fun; made 250 more Qs and 20 more mults
than last July.

10 and 15m were open to VE5 at 2 AM local time!  Couldn't hear the
maritime provinces on 160, 80, 40 and 10.  VE5RAC, VE6RAC, VE7RAC, VE2ZP,
and especially VE6JY were everwhere! 

I look forward to the winter RAC and more low band fun.  N6RO

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