[3830] VE6JY RAC CANADA DAY m/op

Don Moman ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Sat Jul 4 01:33:12 EDT 1998

                                RAC SUMMARY SHEET
    Callsign Used : VE6JY
        Operators : VE6'S:LDX FR SLV VQ RIT 
                          SRV BCA MK JTM DXX 
                          BF BLA DGG AQE JG 
                          YIC JY

         Category : multi-op

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160CW        9           8        102       5 
  160SSB      17          17        192       5 
   80CW       34          34        348       7 
   80SSB     128         123       1194       7 
   40CW      152         149        934      10 
   40SSB     173         169       1624      10 
   20CW      408         387       1992      11 
   20SSB    1208        1164       6402      12 
   15CW      183         182        820      10 
   15SSB     702         695       2844      11 
   10CW       12          12         92       4 
   10SSB      74          74        256       4 
    6CW       11          11         88       3 
    6SSB      24          23        152       3 
    2CW        6           6         70       2 
    2SSB      61          59        590       2 

 Totals     3202        3113      17700     106 

    Final Score = 1,876,200 points.


Our biggest effort so far in any summer RAC test - 17 operators, plus lots of 
spectators as well. We were hoping for 2 meg total score but just couldn't 
do it,  but we did manage to surprise our old record of 1.837 meg (set 
using VC6RAC two years ago).  The weather was a big factor - we had reports of 
severe thunderstorms / tornados within 10 miles of us just before the start of 
the contest, so the low bands were full of static crashes for most of the 
evening, only getting better in the early dawn.  Around 1800 utc we had more 
weather, with severe precipitation static frequently drowning out everything on 
20 and 15m for nearly two hours.  The high antennas captured most of the noise 
so by switching to other lower and thus shielded beams, we managed to work 
through most of it.

This was basically a 7 station operation: 2m, 6m, and 5 HF. We ran 4 SSB and 1 
CW station until noon or so, then closed out the contest running 3 SSB and 2CW.
Software was TRlog and all sites were networked, and worked perfectly.
Propagation was quite decent, with good conditions on 20 and 15m. Even managed 
to work lots of VE's on 15 all thru the evening, and then Europe all night on 
both 15 and 20.  We had hoped for more on 10m but that may have been my fault - 
we spent a lot of time CQ'ing with no antenna - the Heath SB-1000 amp loaded up 
30 feet of heliax very well! It survived the ordeal fine and once we had an 
antenna connected, the band came alive, but by then we likely had missed any 
chance to work any of the easterly VE mults.   6 meters brought less than we 
had hoped (conditions were too good the week prior to the contest, so I knew it 
wouldn't last, hi!) but we did work a pair of strong VE4's for a nice bonus 

Most QSO's with one station - VE6RAC - all 16, followed closely by VE5RI with 
15 Q's (missed on 20CW) and most of them being mults too. Many thanks to VY1RAC 
for 12 Q's - all HF bands, both modes. We tried on 6 but no joy.   VE2ZP, VE5RAC 
and N6RO were worked 9 times and if we would have had a 10m antenna connected, 
maybe it would have been 11....

73, Don 

      Continent List  

                   160    80    40    20    15    10        ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --        ---
  USA calls   =      2    16    76   517   324    68       1003
  VE calls    =     23   141   222   636   225    17       1264
  N.A. calls  =      0     0     3     7     9     0         19
  S.A. calls  =      0     0    10    14     7     0         31
  Euro calls  =      0     0     1   275   277     0        553
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0     3    11     0         14
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0     8     3     0         11
  JA calls    =      0     0     0    64     7     0         71
  Ocen calls  =      0     0     7    26    14     1         48

  Total calls =     25   157   319  1552   878    86       3017

82 DXCC countries worked in total.

QSO Distribution                                        

   1.  788 stations gave us 001
   2.           On  460
   4.           Bc  210
   5.           Ab  177
   7.           Pq  133
   9.           Sk   91
  10.           Ns   87
  11.           Mb   58
  12.           Nf   52
  13.           Nb   49
  18.           Yu   21
  26.           Pe    8
  51.           Nt    2

VE6JY  Don Moman               email: ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca 
Box 127 Lamont, Alberta        email forwarding: ve6jy at rac.ca
T0B 2R0  (403) 895-2925       

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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