[3830] WC4E - IARU: SO HP CW

Jeff WC4E wc4e at innet.com
Mon Jul 13 01:19:47 EDT 1998

                  IARU HF Championship -- 1998

     Call: WC4E             Country:  United States
     Category: Single Op, CW only, High Power
     Op time: 23 hours


      160       28       80     2.86      5      2
       80       77      239     3.10     12      3
       40      233      869     3.73     24     17
       20      586     2480     4.23     28     17
       15      685     3047     4.45     27     19
       10       34      120     3.53      8      1
     Totals   1643     6835     4.16    104     59 (163)

                 Score: 1,114,105 points

Lots of fun this year! Good have 15 back, first 7 hours
was a blast. The ususal Summer T-storms made receiving very
difficult on all bands. A lightning hit just a week before
took out a few minor stuff to a make it a one radio 
weekend so the mults suffered. Rotor to 40M beam
also got hit, it was fixed to NE so working a JA on 40
was a challenge, never mind a run. 
While everyone's running on 20 at 04-05, I'm on 80 and 160
trying to eek out a mult or two, aah crap! 
Congrats to N2IC, W4AN, & K5ZD. Wow, super scores!!
Haven't seen others yet.

See you in NAQP!

Jeff WC4E
wc4e at innet.com

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