[3830] GB5HQ - IARU HF 1998

Chris W Tran chris.tran at zetnet.co.uk
Wed Jul 15 08:31:06 EDT 1998

                 IARU HF Championship -- 1998

      Call: GB5HQ                    Country:  Scotland
                                     Category: Multi Multi (HQ)


      160      172      442     2.57     10     14
       80      322      944     2.93     14     15
       40      967     3037     3.14     26     21
       20     1656     5740     3.47     48     25
       15      904     3368     3.73     43     25
       10       90      238     2.64     15     11

     Totals   4111    13769     3.35    156    111

                 Score: 3,676,323 points

                     Continent Statistics   

                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW     4   50  152   84   37    0  327     7.8
South America   CW     0    1   13    0    7    3   24     0.6
Europe          CW   118  195  450  385  206   25 1379    33.1
Asia            CW     3    3   16  121   12    5  160     3.8
Africa          CW     0    0    1    6    4    4   15     0.4
Oceania         CW     0    0    0    2    0    0    2     0.0

North America   SSB    0    4   35  175  229    0  443    10.6
South America   SSB    0    1   15   38   29    5   88     2.1
Europe          SSB   48   64  286  763  299   39 1499    35.9
Asia            SSB    0    5   12   87   60    1  165     4.0
Africa          SSB    0    0    2   10   22    8   42     1.0
Oceania         SSB    0    0    2   12   11    0   25     0.6


Conclusion : If all else fails, work a European pile-up !

Operators : GM3WOJ, GM4YXI, GM4FDM, GM0NAI

North of Scotland Contest Group GM7V/GM8V

Comments : We found conditions average/below average - stayed on CW
more than expected which gave more CW stations the mult. and helped
to overcome the flat band conditions.  No good openings to the U.S.
or Japan on 20m - activity from JA also seems less.
One of these days we'll get good conditions in a contest !
(we still remember 1992 CQ WW SSB)
Chris Tran GM3WOJ

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