[3830] HA/N9NC M/S WPX CW Score

Thomas Poland n9nc at westel900.net
Mon Jun 1 12:53:02 EDT 1998

 Raw Score

      Call: HA/N9NC                  Country:  Hungary
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single

      BAND     QSO        PTS  PTS/Q PREFIXES

      160     	   0          0     0.0          0
       80      	294       638    2.2         42
       40     	407     1472    3.6        185
       20      	857     1693    2.0        304
       15      	267      493    1.8          53
       10       	18          21    1.2           3

     Totals        1843     4317   2.3      587  =   2,534,079

Operator List:   N9NC, W0YR

Equipment Description:  
IC-738,  500W, A4S, Linear loaded 40M rotatable dp, 80M Inverted V


Our planned expedition to TA3 was cancelled because of storms 10 days
ago which took out the roads and power to a coastal qth (kindly offered by
TA3G), so we operated from Mike's house in Budapest.   

Our excuses:  
Physically fatigued at start from constructing/erecting the rotatable
dipole on Friday
afternoon (which required dismounting and remounting the A4S while
literally sitting on the chimney top-   talk about hot cross buns...)
Extreme line voltage fluctuation.
S9+20 automated arc welding broadband noise for 1.5 hours on each day.
W0YR  cut the 80M V for 35.25 MHz, a tad short, until he found his
glasses and could read the decimal point on the MFJ-259. 
He also fried the homebrew band decoder/relay box, claiming it was RF
and that HE should have been properly bypassed.

On the plus side:
The HA/ caused less trouble than in SSB, it's a piece of cake
compared to FBC6... and 4K80ADR.
Plenty of Eu despite poor conditions, higher Q total than SSB, but
very few stateside on all bands.

Our credo:   "Gumi Nekul"  


Tom  HA/N9NC,  Mike HA/W0YR

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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