[3830] WT1O ARRL DX CW LP Unassisted

Robert Melvin xylwt1o at capecod.net
Sun Mar 1 13:14:28 EST 1998

                   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST 1998

      Call: WT1O                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator
					       Low Power, Unassisted


      160       57      171   3.0       33
       80      102      306   3.0       40
       40      135      405   3.0       47
       20      491     1473   3.0       62
       15      312      936   3.0       61
       10       42      126   3.0       20

     Totals   1139     3417   3.0      263  =   898,671

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

30 hours of operation

Equipment Description:

160 M sloping vertical with 2 radials,
80 M Inverted V @ 90 ft,
40 M dipole @ 30 ft, 40 M vertical,
TH7 @ 95 ft, KT34A fixed south @ 45 ft, 

Yaesu FT-1000, TenTec Omni D

Club Affiliation: YCCC

Another great contest.  Really impressed with my 160 sloping vertical.
Found I could work 95% of what I heard.  Conditions really excellent
on Friday night.  Used the Omni D on 160 and 10. Found  the second
radio was not as important in this contest because I did more S&P except
for the mornings running Europe.  It was very useful for listening to 10
to find the Carribean mults but I would usually go there and S&P up the
band and then return to 15 or 20.  The lower tribander really gave the
rotator a break especially at the end of the contest looking for JA's and
dxpeditions down south.  Still need to find out why my multiplier total is
significantly down from the top scores (skill, propagation, or a little of
both?).  Already looking forward to next year.

73, Bob WT1O

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